Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What are the speed limits on the neighborhood roads?

A. 25 MPH, But use extra caution as this neighborhood has lots of children playing outside! 

Q. How much are HOA dues?

A. HOA dues are $300 per year for each lot owned and statements of dues are mailed out in January.  Be on the lookout in the near future for the ability to pay your dues online!

Q. What are the neighborhood rules?

A. The complete list of rules and regulations can be found on the neighborhood covenants page.  For clarification on any rules please feel free to email the HOA commitee at

Q. Why is the grass always so tall on one side of the street?

A. The large area on the left side of Saint Jerard Avenue is owned by people who live accross the river from the neighborhood.  It is technically not part of the Beau Riviera Subdivision and we cannot enforce the covenants on them with regards to mowing the grass.  They do pay the HOA to have the grass cut three times a year but again, they do this voluntarily.

Q. I see real estate listings spelling the main road Saint Jerard, but the sign says Saint Gerard?

A. Saint Jerard Avenue is the proper spelling of the street name.  The sign that is currently there was placed before the HOA was formed.  The street is legally registered with a J and the sign will be changed to match the legal registration  Be on the lookout for the HOA to correct the sign in the near future.

Q. Is the gate going to be closed eventually?

A. Yes, during the first HOA meeting of this neighborhood it was voted on and passed that the gate was to be closed.  Being a young neighborhood it has taken quite a while to save the funds to complete this project.  We are close though!  Be on the lookout for the gate project to get underway when construction traffic begins to slow down.